Our main goal is to provide a safe space for young women between the ages of 11 & 30 years old.
We want to let them know that they are heard & cared for while providing spiritual guidance.
This project was born in the heart of our Youth Leader, Alondra Simpson, in hopes of encouraging
and pushing young ladies to be the best version of themselves. If you are single, engaged,
married, etc. There’s a spot for you! We have a group of Young Adults Leaders who are ready to
be there for you as a friend & as a mentor.
Stay tuned, you don’t want to miss out on all the activities we have planned for you!
Apostles Yader & Noemi Simpson have served for 20+ years and continue to serve as Senior Pastors
of the Church Jesus Christ the Almighty (Jesucristo el Todopoderoso) in the City of Kendall.
Pastor YES & Pastor Noemi have received a special revelation from God regarding Financial,
Business and Family matters. Thanks to this, their theological preparation, and their personal
experience as entrepreneurs and counselors, their message is one of hope and prosperity that has
helped thousands of people improve their family and financial lives.
Pastor YES is an author, speaker and motivator and has traveled to Central and South America,
the Caribbean and throughout the United States carrying his message of restoration.
Currently, Pastor YES & Pastor Noemi, who have been married for 27 years live in Miami, Florida
together their sons: Yader J. Simpson and Winston J. Simpson.
Yader Simpson Jr. & Alondra Simpson have dedicated their whole lives to Christ and serving His Kingdom. Today, they have the privilege to lead the Youth Ministry of JTP Kendall Church. Their goal is to get to the hearts of the Youth in the whole South Florida area and direct them to the feet of Christ. Together, they look to accomplish all their goals in ministry & personal lives along with the help of God and their families. They have known each other for 5+ years and have been together for 3! And soon to become Mr & Mrs. Simpson!
This project was born in the heart of our lovely Youth Leader, Alondra Simpson. Whose passion is to reach out and empower young women to be the best version of themselves according to God’s will.
Knowing that everyone is always is need of a helping hand or listening ear, she decided to
create a safe space for young women while providing spiritual guidance. Following the example of
her Senior Pastor, Mentor, and future Mother-in-law Pastor Noemi Simpson who has founded a
Women’s Ministry for adults called “Extraordinary Women”.
While creating activities a for girls in her community, Alondra has also encourage her fellow
leaders to create a safe space for ladies in their community. This safe space is known as a
House of Blessing to encourage strong friendships, spiritual guidance, and community
“I am so very thankful for each and every single one of these gems that God has placed by my side. They are very crucial to the plans that God has in stores for this ministry and for our youth group. I am more than sure that each of them has something special from God to give on to these young ladies. I call them ‘mis muchachitas’, although they might think I am the one teaching them… I am the one who learns from them on a daily.”
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